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Jesse surf.jpg

Awareness is the first step to


Discover harmony in your mind and body so you can tap into the flow of life


1:1 Coaching

Creating your "David"

When Michelangelo was asked how he created the statue of David out of a giant marble block he said "David was always there, I just chipped away the unnecessary pieces". This is what we will do together with a commitment to connect with your true self and create what you truly desire. We will remove what's not serving you so you can feel connected to your inherit nature and step into your true power. From there, achieving anything is possible.


Jesse is committed to serving and helping others break free from hidden limiting views so they can unleash their potential and achieve their highest goals. Jesse has been committed to blazing a unique trail in life and has spent time around the world learning various methods for wellbeing that he applies in his work with others. He has studied Mind Architecture with Peter Crone, PSYCH-K® for subconscious belief re-patterning, Fascial System and Myofascia Release, Human Biomechanics, Bioelectric Meridian Therapy, Thai Massage and its use of herbal pharmacology, and brings these learnings together in a unique way to help you find freedom in mind, body and spirit. The work you will be doing with Jesse is problem dissolving, not solving, and together you will quickly tap into your inherent nature of vitality and abundance.   ​ Jesse spent many years climbing the corporate ladder in a Fortune 500 company and hit a point of realising "this isn't it" and so he sold everything and moved into his truck and drove from California through Mexico, Central and South America camping, surfing and staying with families along the way.  This created profound shifts in Jesse from experiencing the cultures, indigenous healers, volunteer work, all while achieving a life long goal of becoming fluent in Spanish. Experiences like drifting down the Amazon and hiking into villages, paddling to remote islands, exploring the Galapagos, and much more all contributed to life changing connection. That experience led me to this deep connection and wanting to share with others.  Outside of serving people, you'll find Jesse enjoying being in nature, taking night sky and wildlife photos, travelling, surfing, camping, spending time with family and playing sports and games.

Markus, Paris France

“Jesse’s kind way of listening and reflecting back what he hears in and beyond the words one shares with him is both impressive and life-changing. From our first conversation, there was something authentic, simple and powerful in his presence. I could feel shifts in my body and my soul expanding; I felt held and heard, seen and acknowledged for who I really am. A very good place to come from to create the life one envisions. Our sessions has had a lasting and beneficial resonance to this day, not just in terms of well-being but often materially/practically in the world. An absolutely amazing coach I cannot recommend enough.”

Request a Discovery Session

Request a discovery session where we can meet and see if working together will serve you powerfully.  It is important that we are a good fit and you feel ready to commit to stepping into creating this together. 


During this call we will discuss what your goals are, what you feel is holding you back, and a few other key questions so that you can start to experience a shift in what's possible right away.  

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